Seasonal & Essays & 3rd Grade
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Writing prompt: My Favorite Holiday (essay topic): What is your favorite holiday? Describe what you like to do on this...
Writing prompt: Invent a New Holiday (essay topic): Invent a new holiday. What would this holiday celebrate? How would you...
Glyph Thanksgiving Essay: Write a short essay about a fantastic Thanksgiving Day feast. Write about the people with whom...
Writing prompt: Thanksgiving Tradition (essay topic): Write about one of your family's Thanksgiving traditions. Describe...
Glyph Autumn Essay: Write a short essay about Autumn. Write about what you like or dislike about Fall, and how it is...
Writing prompt: My Best Vacation Ever (essay topic): Write a page on the best vacation or trip that you ever had.
Writing prompt: My Best Birthday (essay topic): Write about the best birthday you ever had. What made it so special?
Writing prompt: April Fool's Day Joke (essay topic). Who would you like to play an April Fool's Day joke on? Why would you...
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