Ocean Animals & Worksheets & 1st Grade
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This is a short book about ocean animals to print (for early readers).
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Subtract Groups of Ocean Animals -. Worksheet Printout.
Add Groups of Ocean Animals -. Worksheet Printout.
Fish Joke: Subtract, Then Decode the Riddle: Arithmetic Worksheet. Solve the math problems, then use the alphabet code to...
Write a story about the picture - F. The picture shows four fish (of decreasing size), chasing each other.
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Unscramble Words: print outs of unscrambling words that start with each letter of the alphabet.
Ocean Animals Wheel - This 2-page print-out makes a ocean animals wheel; it consists of a base page together with a wheel...
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Ocean Animals Wheel - Bottom: Make and then use the word wheel to make ocean animals appear, including: seahorse, whale...
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Add Groups of Ocean Animals - Add the groups of ocean animals and write the answers. Worksheet Printout, Answers.
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Subtract Groups of Ocean Animals - Subtract the groups of ocean animals and write the answers. Worksheet Printout, Answers.
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