Sports & 4th Grade
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Writing prompt: My Favorite Sport (essay topic): What is your favorite sport? Why do you like it, and what do you like...
Newspaper Sports Page - Write articles for the sports page of a newspaper.'
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Sports Theme Pages: K-3 Theme Units at
In this printable worksheet, label tennis, baseball, and golf equipment in English (using the word bank).
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Write a sentence for each of the sports spelling words, for early readers.
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Sports Verbal Analogies: Think about how the first pair of words are related to each other. Then, look at the next word and...
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Write Sports-Related Verbs by Category: Printable Worksheet. Write verbs by category. The categories include...
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Explore our baseball word list! Dive into America's favorite pastime with this word bank, perfect for fans and learners alike.
Jackie Robinson was the first black man allowed to play major league baseball.
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