Martin Luther King Jr. Day & 3rd Grade
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A word list (word bank) with vocabulary related to Martin Luther King, Jr.
Martin Luther King, Jr., Wordsearch. Find all the words in the wordsearch puzzle, then use the extra letters to read a...
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Draw lines between the syllables to make words related to Martin Luther King, Jr. Then write the completed words on this...
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On this spelling word questions printout for early readers, answer each of the questions using one of the Martin Luther...
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Learn all about Martin Luther King, Jr., in this printable biography! The worksheet includes reading comprehension...
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Martin Luther King Day Grammar Worksheet. Use the word bank to help find synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and compound words...
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For this worksheet, think of and write eight words or phrases related to Martin Luther King, Jr. Then, for each one, write...
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Write a sentence for each of the provided Martin Luther King, Jr., spelling words. This is a printable worksheet about MLK...
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In this word hunt, make as many words as you can from the letters in "Martin Luther King, Jr." This printable worksheet has...
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In this word hunt, make as many words as you can from the letters in "Martin Luther King, Jr." This printable worksheet has...
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