Holidays & Essays & 3rd Grade
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April Fool's Day
Arbor Day
Chinese New Year
Columbus Day
Constitution Day
Day of the Dead
Earth Day
Father's Day
Flag Day
Grandparents Day
Groundhog Day
July 4th
Labor Day
Memorial Day
Mother's Day
New Year
President's Day
Valentine's Day
Veteran's Day
Writing prompt: My Favorite Holiday (essay topic): What is your favorite holiday? Describe what you like to do on this...
Writing prompt: Invent a New Holiday (essay topic): Invent a new holiday. What would this holiday celebrate? How would you...
Glyph Thanksgiving Essay: Write a short essay about a fantastic Thanksgiving Day feast. Write about the people with whom...
Writing prompt: Thanksgiving Tradition (essay topic): Write about one of your family's Thanksgiving traditions. Describe...
Writing prompt: April Fool's Day Joke (essay topic). Who would you like to play an April Fool's Day joke on? Why would you...
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