Statue of Liberty & Games & 3rd Grade
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Statue of Liberty
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Addition Dominoes #2, A Printable Game. Print out a domino game.
Shark Math Game for elementary school students.
Writing prompt: April Fool's Day Joke (essay topic). Who would you like to play an April Fool's Day joke on? Why would you...
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Find the bird words in this word search puzzle -- look right, left, up, down, and diagonally!
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French Number Dominoes 7 to 13, A Printable Game. Print out a domino game.
Alphabet Scavenger Hunt Worksheet: For each letter of the alphabet, find something that begins with that letter and write it down.
Butterfly Quiz: Second-Third Grade Introduction to Research on the Internet
Flower Vowel Sounds Bingo: Using Letters of the Alphabet. Print bingo card for the students, then have them find the first...
Mother Goose Rhymes Scavenger Hunt. The Rebus Rhymes site is designed for children who are learning how to read...
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