Counting & Activities & Fun & 4th Grade
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Activities & Fun
Sorting: Color and count the polygons with 3, 4, 5, and 6 sides - Worksheet Printout.
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Math: Groundhog Day Activities and Crafts: Groundhog Day is celebrated in the USA on February 2nd. Crafts for kids...
Math, Sorting, Patterns, and Counting for Halloween.
Spanish Language Activities: Numbers -
Printable Bingo Games. Print bingo card for the students, then have them do simple math problems to get bingo..
Printable Flashcards for Bingo Games - Products that are multiples of 10 from 0-120. Print bingo card for the students...
File Folder Games: Adding Numbers #1 Page 1. Make a file folder game about opposites. This is a simple game that can be...
Printable Flashcards for Bingo Games. Print bingo card for the students, then have them do simple math problems to get bingo..
Printable Flashcards for Bingo Games. Print bingo card for the students, then have them do simple math problems to get bingo..
Flower Bingo: Using the Numbers 0-11. Print bingo card for the students, then have them do simple math problems to get bingo..
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