Biology & Essays
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Food Chain
Human Anatomy
Life Cycles
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7th Grade and Up
Writing prompt: If I Could Talk to an Animal (essay topic): > If you could talk to an animal, what animal would you talk to...
Penguin Thoughts: Writing Prompt - Printable Worksheet. Write inside the penguin's thought bubble.
Writing prompt: Rename Your Town (essay topic): If you could rename your town or city, what would you call it? Why did you...
Dog Thoughts: Writing Prompt - Printable Worksheet. Write inside the dog's thought bubble.
Elephant Thoughts: Writing Prompt - Printable Worksheet. Write inside the elephant's thought bubble.
Stegosaurus Thoughts: Writing Prompt - Printable Worksheet. Write inside the Stegosaurus's thought bubble.
Animals - Thought Bubble Writing Prompts: In these printable worksheets, the student writes inside a thought bubble...
Fish Thoughts: Writing Prompt - Printable Worksheet. Write inside the fish's thought bubble.
Shark Thoughts: Writing Prompt - Printable Worksheet. Write inside the shark's thought bubble.
Cat Thoughts: Writing Prompt - Printable Worksheet. Write inside the cat's thought bubble.
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