Groundhogs & 2nd Grade
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In this printable worksheet, count the groundhogs to answer the questions. Sample question: "How many groundhogs have a...
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Groundhog Day Beginning Readers Books from
Groundhog Day Activities and Crafts: Groundhog Day is celebrated in the USA on February 2nd. Crafts for kids...
Make a Pop-up Groundhog Puppet with things found around the house.
Find all the words in this Groundhog Day wordsearch puzzle, then use the extra letters to read a secret message...
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Match the syllables to make Groundhog Day words, then write each completed word to the right. This is a printable worksheet...
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On this Groundhog Day Connect-the-Dots Printout, connect the numbers and letters to draw a groundhog, its burrow, and its...
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Draw groundhog shadows, then answer questions about the pictures -- for example, "Which shadow is longer?" This Groundhog...
Unscramble Groundhog Day words, and then color the pictures of the words. This is a printable worksheet for early readers.
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Groundhog Day Weather-Related Activities: rhymes, printouts, crafts, information, and coloring pages, and printouts related...
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