Writing & Quizzes & 1st Grade
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Second-Third Grade Introduction to Research on the Internet - Amphibians Quiz
Triple Draw and Write - Drawing and Writing Prompts to Print. These pages make you think about a topic, both visually and...
Draw Day and Night - These pages make you think about how things look different during the day and during the night. On the...
Writing prompt: Living in Space: Do you think people will ever live in space? If not, why not? If so, where will they...
Miscellaneous: Read and Answer Worksheets to print..
Writing prompt: If I Could Choose a New Name: If you could give yourself a new name, what would it be? Write about why you...
Writing prompt: A Day All My Own (essay topic): If you had a day all for yourself and could do whatever you wanted to, what...
Writing prompt: Space Adventure (essay topic): If you could travel anywhere in space, where would you go and why? What do...
Holidays: Read and Answer Worksheets to print..
Writing prompt: A New Olympic Sport (essay topic): Invent a new Olympic sport.
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