Grammar & 6th Grade
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Use the word bank to find the correct Juneteenth words, then fix the grammar and spelling errors in the sentences.
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Use the word bank to match the correct words in this Election grammar worksheet. Find synonyms, antonyms, homonyms...
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In this printable worksheet, write Autumn alliterations. Finish the ten Fall alliterations and write five alliterations.
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Comparative and Superlative Adjectives: Parts of Speech from
Circle the Articles Printout #2 - Circle the circle the articles and underline the conjunctions Printout.
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Write Parts of Speech: Printable Worksheet. Write 10 words that belong to each part of speech in English. Parts of speech...
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Parts of Speech Wheel : This 2-page print-out makes a parts of speech wheel; it consists of a base page together with a...
Abbreviations for Measurement Words - Metric. Write common measurement abbreviations.
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Write Sports-Related Verbs by Category: Printable Worksheet. Write verbs by category. The categories include...
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