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Writing prompts: Essays and Other Writing Activities for Early Writers.
Writing prompts: Essays and Other Writing Activities for Early Writers.
Finish the ten summer alliterations, then write five alliterations related to summer.
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In this printable worksheet, write Autumn alliterations. Finish the ten Fall alliterations and write five alliterations.
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In this printable worksheet, finish the ten winter alliterations, then write five alliterations related to winter.
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Draw and Write Worksheets. Draw a picture and write about it.
Write and Draw Worksheets. Write about something and draw a picture of it.
Write Ten Things About... - Writing Prompts: EnchantedLearning.com.
Write Spring alliterations in this printable worksheet. Finish the 10 Spring alliterations, then write 5 alliterations...
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Triple Draw and Write - Drawing and Writing Prompts to Print. These pages make you think about a topic, both visually and...
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