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Make a Funny Face

A picture of the Face-Making screen in BUSY LITTLE BRAINS.

This is one of the 41 activities your child can play in Busy Little Brains.

You can make very funny faces by dragging the facial features, shapes, and accessories wherever you like. Choose from the many winking eyes, lush eyelashes and eyebrows, goofy noses, munching mouths, big and little ears, types of hair, bow ties, and silly hats. There are 12 different background faces.

By constructing a face feature by feature, the child must actively think about the structure of the face, the symmetry inherent to faces, and the function of the features. (e.g., how many eyes, and where do they go to make a natural-looking or a strange face). Also, when each facial feature or accessory is selected, its name is spoken, helping the child to learn these names.

[Busy Little Brains]


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