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Enchanted Learning® Photoblog      Posted January 31, 2012   2:59 am

Another Otter, Climbing Out of the Lake
Another Otter, Climbing Out of the Lake

A North American river otter, climbing a ladder out of Lake Washington to join two companions playing on a dock.

Scientific name: Lontra canadensis

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Date taken: January 30, 2012
Place taken: Mercer Island, WA, USA
Mitchell Spector
Copyright ©2012 Enchanted Learning, LLC


An Otter on Lake Washington

Another Otter, Climbing Out of the Lake

An Otter Again

Three Otters on a Gray Winter Day

Three Otters Swimming in Lake Washington

Three Otters Playing

Otters Getting Ready to Slink Back into the Water

Otters on a Dock

Otter with Open Mouth