1732 | George Washington is born in Westmoreland County, Virginia |
1759 | Washington marries Martha Custis |
1775 | Revolutionary War begins (the 13 Colonies against Britain) |
1783 | Revolutionary War ends |
1787 | Washington presides over the Constitutional Convention (the US Constitution is written) |
1789 | Washington is elected President |
1792 | Washington is elected President for a second term |
1797 | Washington's second term as President is over - John Adams becomes President |
1799 | George Washington dies at his home called Mt. Vernon, located in Fairfax County, Virginia. |
1. In which Colony was Washington born? | ----------------------------------------------- |
2. Who did Washington marry? | ----------------------------------------------- |
3. When did the Revolutionary War start and when did it end?
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4. How many terms did Washington serve as President of the USA?
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5. In what year did Washington die?
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