Picture Prompts & 3rd Grade
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Write a story about the picture showing a snowman melting under a sweltering sun.
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Write a story about the summer pictures in this printable worksheet.
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Write a story about the picture showing a child pointing to a map of Africa - for young writers.
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Write a story about the winter scene. The picture shows a sledder nearing a snowman who is missing a glove.
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Write a story about the picture showing a bird feeding a hatchling in a nest containing eggs.
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Write a story about the picture with Spring flowers. This printout on writing is for young students.
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Write a story about the picture showing the stages in a frog's development, from egg to tadpole to froglet to frog.
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Write a story about the picture showing a juggler surrounded by two horses in a circus tent.
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Write a story about the picture showing a skunk and a tent in a forest.
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Write a story about the picture, which shows a cat watching another cat hanging on a branch.
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