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Poetry - Thought Bubble Writing Prompts: In these printable worksheets, the student writes inside a thought bubble...
The Old Lady and the Fly - Multiple choice comprehension quiz: A printout about The Old Lady and the Fly for early readers.
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Printable Mock Job Application Writing Prompts from EnchantedLearning.com.
Surprised Thoughts: Writing Prompt - Printable Worksheet. Write inside the surprised thought bubble.
Angry Thoughts: Writing Prompt - Printable Worksheet. Write inside the angry thought bubble.
Sad Thoughts: Writing Prompt - Printable Worksheet. Write inside the sad thought bubble.
Yelling Speech Balloon: Writing Prompt - Printable Worksheet. Write inside the yelling speech balloon.
Happy Thoughts: Writing Prompt - Printable Worksheet. Write inside the happy thought bubble.
Worried Thoughts: Writing Prompt - Printable Worksheet. Write inside the worried thought bubble.
Plants: Write Ten Things About... - Writing Prompts. EnchantedLearning.com.
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