Fact & Opinion & Worksheets & 2nd Grade
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Draw and Write
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Word Puzzles
Scarecrow: Fact or Opinion? Blank, A Worksheet. Color the scarecrow and write 5 facts and 5 opinions about scarecrows. A...
Turkey: Fact or Opinion? Blank, A Worksheet. Color the turkey and write 5 facts and 5 opinions about turkeys. A fact is...
Fact or Opinion? Groundhog Day, A Worksheet. A fact is something that is true and is supported by evidence. An opinion is...
Polar Bear: Fact or Opinion? Blank, A Worksheet. Color the polar bear and write 5 facts and 5 opinions about polar bears...
Draw a Picture: Fact or Opinion? Write a topic, draw a picture of it, and write 5 facts and 5 opinions about it. A fact is...
Animal Opinion Quiz Worksheet: Answer a few questions about your favorite animal, the scariest animal, the most useful...
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Snowflake Word Wheel: This 2-page print-out makes a snowflake word wheel; it consists of a base page together with a wheel...
Writing Activities and Worksheets for Presidents Day - President's Day Crafts for kids. Kindergarten, preschool, and...
Fact or Opinion? Groundhog Day, A Worksheet. A fact is something that is true and is supported by evidence. An opinion is...
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