Grassland Animals & Printouts
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Grassland Animal Printouts. A grassland is a grassy, windy, partly-dry biome, a sea of grass. There are many different...
Prairie Animal Printouts. A prairie is a temperate grassland, plains of grass that get hot in the summer and cold in the winter.
Attwater's Prairie Chicken Printout. Prairie Chickens, Tympanuchus cupido, are wild fowl that live in the grasslands of...
The donkey is a large, hoofed mammal that live in family groups on grasslands.
Savanna Animal Printouts
Antelopes are hoofed animals with horns that live on grasslands of Africa and parts of Asia.
The Gnu or Wildebeest is a fast-running herbivore from Africa.
Armadillo printout (simple). Armadillos are timid, armored mammals that live in warm grasslands and forests from South...
Grasshoppers are insects that can hop, walk, and fly.
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