Painting & Printouts
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7th Grade and Up
Arachnid Painting Pages: Arachnid are animals that have an exoskeleton, a segmented body, and 8 jointed legs.
Cephalopod Pages to Color Online. Cephalopods are a class of mollusks that includes the octopus, squid, cuttlefish, and nautilus.
Horse Pages to Color Online.
Ice Age Mammals Printouts
Antarctica Animal Printouts - paint and learn about animals adapted to the extreme cold of the South Polar regions.
Gastropod Pages to Color Online. Gastropod (also called univalves) are a type of mollusk that have a single valve (a shell...
Pinniped Pages to Color Online. Pinnipeds (Order Pinnipedia) are marine mammals who live mostly in the water but spend some...
Jurassic Animal Pages to Color Online. Many amazing animals lived during the Jurassic period, the middle portion of the...
Art Coloring Pages: A - Printouts and Online Coloring Pages.
Cretaceous Animals to Color Online. Many amazing animals lived during the Cretaceous period, the last portion of the Mesozoic Era.
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