Summer & 3rd Grade
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Match 10 Summer vocabulary words to their pictures. This printable worksheet is for early readers.
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Writing Worksheets: Summer K-3 Theme Page: rhymes, crafts, Quizzes, information, coloring pages, and printouts related to summer.
Write a story about the summer pictures in this printable worksheet.
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Draw and Write. Draw a picture and write about your summer.
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Books to Print: Summer K-3 Theme Page: rhymes, crafts, Quizzes, information, coloring pages, and printouts related to summer.
Writing prompt: My Best Vacation Ever (essay topic): Write a page on the best vacation or trip that you ever had.
Vacation Memory Book: cover. A book for your child to make while on vacation, recording the highlights of the trip.
Vacation Memory Book. A book for your child to make while on vacation, recording the highlights of the trip.
Draw and Write: My Best Vacation. Draw a picture of the best vacation you ever had. Write about where you went, why you...
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Vacation-Related Readers Books to Print from
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