North America & Essays & 4th Grade
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Writing prompt: Something I Learned from a Bad Experience (essay topic): Think about something bad that happened to you...
Writing prompt: The Best Gift You Ever Gave (essay topic): Write about the best gift you ever gave. Who did you give it to...
Writing prompt: If I Could Change a School Rule (essay topic): > If you could change one rule at my school, which rule...
Writing prompt: Giving Thanks (essay topic): What are you most thankful for in life?
Writing prompt: Rename Your Town (essay topic): If you could rename your town or city, what would you call it? Why did you...
Writing prompt: Improve the World (essay topic): Write a page on what you would do to improve the world.
Writing prompt: Write a page about a relative or friend who was in the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, or...
Writing prompt: My Favorite Sport (essay topic): What is your favorite sport? Why do you like it, and what do you like...
Writing prompt: The Most Annoying Things in Life (essay topic): What are the most irritating, bothersome things in your life?
Writing prompt: My Family (essay topic): Write about the members of your family. Decribe each person and what they mean to you.
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