Sports & Worksheets & 4th Grade
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Draw and Write
Label Me!
Multiple Choice
Read & Answer
Sequencing Cards
Short Answer
Word Puzzles
In this printable worksheet, label tennis, baseball, and golf equipment in English (using the word bank).
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Sports Verbal Analogies: Think about how the first pair of words are related to each other. Then, look at the next word and...
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Write a sentence for each of the sports spelling words, for early readers.
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Write Sports-Related Verbs by Category: Printable Worksheet. Write verbs by category. The categories include...
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Fill out this grammar potpourri printable worksheet for sports-related words.
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Write plurals for each sports-related noun, then rewrite each sentence with the underlined noun made into a plural.
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Fill out this grammar potpourri printable worksheet for baseball words.
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