Civics & References & Studying
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References & Studying
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6th Grade
7th Grade and Up
A vocabulary list (word bank) of words and common phrases about elections, voting, and politics.
Three Branches of the US Government - Graphic Organizers: A printout about the three branches of the US government, the...
Three Branches of the US Government - Graphic Organizer #3: A printout about the three branches of the US government, the...
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Three Branches of the US Government - Graphic Organizer: A printout about the three branches of the US government, the...
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Three Branches of the US Government - Graphic Organizer #2: A printout about the three branches of the US government, the...
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This is an alphabetical word list of Election Day (US) vocabulary!
Write Constitution-Related Definitions - For each constitution-related word, the student writes what part of speech the...
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Lists of lists all about Presidents' Day.
A vocabulary list (word bank) filled with words and common phrases about family.
President -- Brainstorming Activity: For each letter of the word
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