Creative Writing & Draw and Write & 3rd Grade
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Creative Writing
In this printable worksheet, draw three things you might see or do in the Spring and write about each of them.
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In this printable worksheet, draw three things you might see or do in the Winter and write about each of them.
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Animals: Triple Draw and Write - Printable Worksheet - Draw three of your favorite animals and write about each of them...
Draw and Write. Draw a picture and write about a winter scene. What do you like about it?
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Best Parts of School: Triple Draw and Write - Printable Worksheet. Draw three of the best things about school and write...
Draw and Write. Draw a picture of a boat that you would like to sail in. Describe the boat and and write why you like it.
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Places I'd Like to Visit: Draw and Write 3 Things - Printable Worksheet - Draw three places you'd like to visit and write...
Draw and Write: Bad Weather Draw a picture of bad weather and write about it. Describe what you should do when this type...
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Jobs I Might Like: Draw and Write 3 - Printable Worksheet - Draw three jobs you might like to have when you grow up and...
Draw and Write: My Plate Favorites. Favorites Draw a picture of a your favorite foods that fit into the food groups of the...
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