Grammar & 3rd Grade
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Unscramble the Sentences Worksheets. In these printable worksheets, the student unscrambles simple sentences that are a...
Fill in the Prefixes #2: Grammar from
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives: Parts of Speech from
Adjective Activities and Worksheets: Parts of Speech from
Re-write the sentences, correcting the capitalization and adding punctuation marks. Printout.
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Re-write the sentences, correcting the capitalization and adding punctuation marks. Printout.
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Write plural nouns for summer words. Then rewrite each sentence with the underlined noun made into a plural.
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Write plural nouns for Winter-related words. Then rewrite each sentence with the underlined noun made into a plural.
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Fill in the Prefixes and Suffixes #1: Grammar from
Parts of Speech from
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