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Label the Oceans and Seas in German


Label the Oceans and Seas in German
Content Type
Printable Worksheet
File Type
2 pages
Contains Answer Key
Available to Members Only
In this printable worksheet, use the word bank to label the oceans and seas in German.
For the Student:
Label the oceans and seas (plus the equator) using the word bank below.
Extra Information
Word Bank
das Arabische Meer (Arabian Sea), das Karibische Meer (Caribbean Sea), das Mittelmeer (Mediterranean Sea), das Nordpolarmeer (Arctic Ocean), das Rote Meer (Red Sea), das Schwarze Meer (Black Sea), das Südpolarmeer (Southern Ocean), der Atlantische Ozean (Atlantic Ocean), der Indische Ozean (Indian Ocean), der Pazifische Ozean (Pacific Ocean), der Äquator (the equator), die Nordsee (North Sea)