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Greece Tab Book








Greece Tab Book
Content Type
Printable Book
File Type
8 pages
Available to Members Only
This is a short, printable book about Greece for fluent readers with pages on the map, flag, language, Ancient Greece, the Olympics, and the Greek Gods and Mount Olympus.
For the Teacher:
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Print the PDF to make a short book for young readers. Make sure the pages are in the right order. Staple the pages together at the left of the page, then read the book, and optionally color the pages.
Extra Information
This is a short, printable book about Greece for fluent readers with pages on the map, flag, language, Ancient Greece, the Olympics, and the Greek Gods and Mount Olympus.
~ Content:
- Cover page.
- An introduction to this ancient country that influenced the development of Western civilization. Label a world map. Answers: 1. Europe 2. The euro.
- Color a map of Greece. Answers: 1. Athens 2. Crete 3. Mount Olympus.
- The Greek flag is a distinctive blue and white banner. Answers: 1. Greek Orthodoxy 2. Blue water and white wave crests.
- Learn about the Greek alphabet and some common Greek words and phrases. Answers: 1. Nai 2. Efhareesto.
- Learn about ancient Greece and the beginnings of modern Western civilization. Answers: 1. From 480 B.C. until 323 B.C. 2. Pythagoras, Euclid, or Archimedes.
- Read about the history of the Olympic Games and color the Olympic flag.
- Read about the pantheon of Greek Gods. Answers: 1. Zeus 2. Poseidon.