Poetry Prompts & 4th Grade
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Poetry Prompts
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Write a poem about a kangaroo with prompts in this printable worksheet.
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Write a poem about a bat in this printable worksheet.
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Penguin Poem - Write a poem about a penguin. The lines of the poem begin with: It sees, It hears, It feels, It...
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Reindeer Poem - Write a poem about a reindeer. The lines of the poem begin with: It sees, It hears, It feels, It...
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Write a poem about how Summer affects your senses, in this printable worksheet.
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Write a story about the picture showing a snowman melting under a sweltering sun.
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In this printable worksheet, write a story about the Kwanzaa scene - for young writers.
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Write a story about the picture showing a flock of birds flying in a vee-shaped formation.
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