Synonyms & Antonyms & 3rd Grade
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Learn about common opposites/antonyms A-Z in this alphabetical vocabulary word list.
Think of and write eight pairs of opposites. This is a printout about related words for early readers.
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In this printable worksheet, label the opposites in English using the word bank.
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In this printable worksheet, label the opposites in English using the word bank. (#3)
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Grammar Potpourri Worksheets from
Write Synonyms and Antonyms #1 - For each word, write a synonym and an antonym. Words: big, warm, far, difficult, hurry...
Write Synonyms and Antonyms #5 - For each word, write a synonym and an antonym. Words: win, stay, rough, good, greedy...
Write Synonyms and Antonyms #3 - For each word, write a synonym and an antonym. Words: love, inside, buy, stop, friend...
Write Synonyms and Antonyms #6 - For each word, write a synonym and an antonym. Words: fast, cautious, soon, open, fair...
Write Synonyms and Antonyms #4 - For each word, write a synonym and an antonym. Words: dry, clean, alive, lose, disappear...
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