Weather & 4th Grade
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Pre-readers' Wild Weather Quiz. This is a Weather Quiz, a picture dictionary scavenger hunt for children who are starting...
Writing Weather Anagrams Worksheet: An anagram is a word that is made by rearranging the letters of another word. For...
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Find a Weather Word for Each Letter: Find the name of an artist for each letter of the alphabet.
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Tornado - read about tornadoes, how they form, preparing for a tornado, surviving one, and the end of the storm.
Hurricane Activities - read about these tropical cyclones, how they form, how they are named, hurricane anatomy, the eye...
Label the Hurricane: A printout about the structure of hurricanes for early readers.
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Names of Hurricanes: A printout on how hurricanes are named for early readers.
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Hurricanes - read about these tropical cyclones, how they form, how they are named, hurricane anatomy, the eye, eyewall...
Hurricane Tracking and Forecasting - read about these tropical cyclones, how they form, how they are named, hurricane...
Hurricane Glossary - read about these tropical cyclones, how they form, how they are named, hurricane anatomy, the eye...
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