Scavenger Hunts & 3rd Grade
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Language Arts
Social Studies
World Languages
Back-to-School Scavenger Hunt: This back-to-school scavenger hunt is a great way to have students get to each other (and...
Back-to-School Scavenger Hunt Printout : 15 questions to answer after filling out the questionnaire.
Dictionary Scavenger Hunt Worksheet #2. Print this scavenger hunt, then use a dictionary to answer the questions.
Dictionary Scavenger Hunt Worksheet. Print this scavenger hunt, then use a dictionary to answer the questions.
Mother Goose Rhymes Scavenger Hunt. The Rebus Rhymes site is designed for children who are learning how to read...
Alphabet Scavenger Hunt Worksheet: For each letter of the alphabet, find something that begins with that letter and write it down.
Butterfly Quiz: Second-Third Grade Introduction to Research on the Internet
Back-to-School Questionnaire Printout Template.
Second-Third Grade Introduction to Research on the Internet - Frog Life Cycle Quiz
Global Treasure Hunt Activities: These activities require a globe or detailed world map (one showing country names...
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