Arithmetic & Activities & Fun
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This is a short, printable Animal Arithmetic book for practice with addition and for an introduction to multiplication.
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Math: Addition Printouts. Worksheets to print.
Pirate Joke: Subtract, Then Decode the Riddle: Arithmetic Worksheet. Solve the math problems, then use the alphabet code...
Lazy Dog Riddle: Divide, Then Decode: Arithmetic Worksheet. Solve the math problems, then use the alphabet code to solve...
Dalmatian Joke: Subtract, Then Decode the Riddle: Arithmetic Worksheet. Solve the math problems, then use the alphabet...
Butterfly Math Activity Printout- for beginning readers.
Clown Joke: Add and Subtract, Then Decode the Riddle: Arithmetic Worksheet. Solve the math problems, then use the alphabet...
Earth Joke: Multiply, Then Decode: Arithmetic Worksheet. Solve the math problems, then use the alphabet code to solve the...
Counting, Adding, and Logic Activities: Birthday Activities: rhymes, printouts, crafts, information, and coloring pages...
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