Reading & Printouts & 5th Grade
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Brainstorming Worksheets to Print: For each letter of the following word, find words and phrases that are related to or...
Fraction Worksheets and Books to Print.
Bulb Anatomy Printout. A bulb is an underground, modified stem that develops in some flowering plants. Its purpose is to...
The Alamo Coloring Printout: The Alamo is an old Spanish mission located in San Antonio, Texas.
Library Reference Books Worksheet. #2 Fill in the blanks in the text about library reference book: almanac, atlas...
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Printable Letter Bingo Games. Print bingo card for the students, then have them find word sounds to get bingo.
John Venn: English Mathematician John Venn invented the Venn diagram.
A short, printable book about tsunamis for early fluent readers.
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Reading Log Wheel - Bottom: After putting the wheel together, the student follows the instructions on the front wheel and...
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