Biology & Essays
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Food Chain
Human Anatomy
Life Cycles
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Essays about Animals: Writing prompts: Essays and Other Writing Activities for Early Writers.
Sports and Games: Writing prompts: Essays and Other Writing Activities for Early Writers.
Writing prompt: The Worst Food (essay topic): Write about the most horrible food you ever had. What was it and why did you...
Writing prompt: The Best Food (essay topic): Write about the best food you ever had. What was it and why did you like it...
Writing prompt: Which animal frightens you the most? Describe the animal. What is it about this animal that makes it so...
Writing prompt: What's Bugging You? (essay topic): Think about something that annoys or bothers you. Write about what it is...
Writing prompt: Invent an Animal (essay topic): Invent new animal. Describe what it looks like, what it sounds like, how...
Writing prompt: A New Olympic Sport (essay topic): Invent a new Olympic sport.
A writing prompt for young philosophers to explore what it would be like to perceive the world as another being.
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Writing prompt: If I were an Animal (essay topic): >If you had to turn into a different animal for a single day, what...
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