The Planets & Quizzes
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6th Grade
7th Grade and Up
Introduction to Astronomy Research on the Internet - A quiz about the planets
Mars Puzzle - Unscramble an astronomy picture by answering questions.
Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun in our solar system.
Mercury Puzzle - Unscramble an astronomy picture by answering questions.
Introduction to Astronomy Research on the Internet - Venus Quiz
Venus Puzzle - Unscramble an astronomy picture by answering questions.
In this printable worksheet, label the planets (les Planètes) in French using the word bank.
Full access for members only.
In this printable worksheet, use the word bank to label the planets (os planetas) in Portuguese.
Full access for members only.
Earth Puzzle - Unscramble an astronomy picture by answering questions.
Introduction to Astronomy Research on the Internet - Mercury Quiz
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