Creative Writing & Quizzes & 2nd Grade
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Writing prompt: Who is your personal hero? Write a page on your hero's accomplishments and what makes that person a hero.
About the Writer: Writing prompts: Essays and Other Writing Activities for Early Writers.
Write Definitions Related to Bodies of Water - For each word related to bodies of water, the student writes what part of...
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My Favorite...: Writing prompts: Essays and Other Writing Activities for Early Writers.
Cat Thoughts: Writing Prompt - Printable Worksheet. Write inside the cat's thought bubble.
Writing prompt: My Favorite Holiday (essay topic): What is your favorite holiday? Describe what you like to do on this...
Writing prompt: My Favorite Game (essay topic): What is your favorite game? Describe the game and how it is played...
Writing prompt: Three Words Describing Yourself (essay topic): If you had to describe yourself using only three words, what...
Writing prompt: Write about what makes you different from other people you know. How do you think this will affect your life?
Writing prompt: Living in Space: Do you think people will ever live in space? If not, why not? If so, where will they...
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