Science & 3rd Grade
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Science Pages and Activities - dinosaurs, whales, sharks, birds, astronomy, rainforests, biomes, butterflies, and other topics.
Write a science news article for a classroom newspaper with this printable worksheet.
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Glossary of science-related inventors and inventions.
Science Pages and Activities: K-3 - dinosaurs, whales, sharks, birds, astronomy, rainforests, biomes, butterflies, and other topics.
Illustrated Scientific Dictionary: paleontology, dinosaurs, sharks, whales, butterflies, rainforests, astronomy.
Cloze (fill-in-the-blank) activities for early writers: Science and Scientists.
Temperature and Thermometers. Information and printable worksheets on temperature and thermometers for K-12.
Astronomy/Earth Sciences Label Me! Elementary-level Printouts. Read the definitions then label the diagrams.
The Flu - Influenza - Multiple choice comprehension quiz: A printout about Influenza for early readers.
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