Frogs & 3rd Grade
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This origami Jumping Frog craft is made from a piece of paper.
Label Frog Life Cycle Diagram Printout.
Make a funny pop-up frog card craft using construction paper.
Frogs and Toads: Printouts and activities.
A simple-to-make frog puppet made from a piece of paper. This puppet's mouth moves!
Red-Eyed Tree Frogs (Agalychnis callidryas) are amphibians, animals that begin their lives in the water breathing with...
Frogs and Toads Venn Diagram Printout Worksheet.
In this printable worksheet, use the word bank to label the frog life cycle in Spanish.
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Spring Peeper Frog: The spring peeper is a small treefrog that makes peeping sounds and is often seen and heard in the...
Frog Life Cycle Wheel: This 2-page print-out makes a frog wheel; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that...
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