Migratory Animals & 6th Grade
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Migrating Animal Printouts. Some animals migrate, traveling to avoid bad weather. Some migrators travel short distances...
Label Shark Anatomy Printout.
Zebra Longwing Butterfly Printout. The Zebra Longwing butterfly is a small, bad-tasting butterfly whose wing camouflage...
Cuckoo Quiz and Research Activity on the Internet
Label Chicken Egg (10 days old) Printout: Label the cross section of a 72-hour-old chicken embryo.
Write a story about the picture showing a flock of birds flying in a vee-shaped formation.
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Writing Worksheets for Christmas.
Answers: Label Shark Anatomy Printout.
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Answers to the Label Chicken Egg (10 days old) Printout: Label the cross section of a 10-day old chicken embryo in the egg.
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