Space Age
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Space Explorers: Astronauts and Cosmonauts. Yuri Gagarin, John Glenn, Sally Ride, Neil Armstrong, Alan Shepard, Michael...
Space Explorers: Astronauts and Cosmonauts. Information on the 'firsts' in space exploration!
Read all about the race to land the first human being on the Moon!
Space Race Cloze Activity. Fill in the blanks in this short summary of the race to land the first person on the Moon!
Full access for members only.
Monkeynauts (Monkey Astronauts) are monkeys that were sent into space by NASA.
A vocabulary word list (word bank) of words and phrases associated with the Space Race.
Space Explorers Quiz Answers: Astronauts and Cosmonauts. Yuri Gagarin, John Glenn, Sally Ride, Neil Armstrong, Alan...
A short biography of Neil Armstrong, the first person to set foot on the Moon.
Jokes: Astronomy and Space at
Space Explorers Quiz: Astronauts and Cosmonauts. Yuri Gagarin, John Glenn, Sally Ride, Neil Armstrong, Alan Shepard...
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