Liberty Bell & Activities & Fun & 5th Grade
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Liberty Bell
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Activities & Fun
Brainstorming Worksheets to Print: For each letter of the following word, find words and phrases that are related to or...
If I...: Writing prompts: Essays and Other Writing Activities for Early Writers.
Reading and Interpreting Tables: Tables, Explanation and printable worksheets.
Butterfly Quiz: Second-Third Grade Introduction to Research on the Internet
Alphabet Scavenger Hunt Worksheet: For each letter of the alphabet, find something that begins with that letter and write it down.
I Can Color Sewing Words: A printout about colors for early readers.
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Label the aphelion (farthest point in orbit) and perihelion (closest point in orbit) of a planet in orbit.
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I Can Draw Clothes: A printout about colors for early readers.
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Writing prompt: The Funniest Thing I've Seen or Heard (essay topic): What is the funniest thing you've seen or heard?
Colombia's Flag Quiz/Printout Printout. Colombia's flag is a horizontal tricolor of yellow, blue and red. It was adopted...
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