Language Arts & Essays & 2nd Grade
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Language Arts
Library Studies
Word Structure
Writing prompt: Most Important Person (essay topic): Write a page on who you think is the most important person alive in...
Writing prompt: If I Were the President (essay topic): Write a page on what you'd do if you were the President.
Writing prompt: If You Could Fly (essay topic): If you fly whenever you wanted to, what would you do? Why would you want...
Writing prompt: Write about how you are like your father. Do you look at all like him? Do you have any traits in common...
Writing prompt: The Best Thing I've Learned in School (essay topic): Write about the most valuable thing you ever learned...
Writing prompt: If I Were a grown-up for one day (essay topic): Write about what you'd do if you were a grown-up for one...
Writing prompt: Invent an Animal (essay topic): Invent new animal. Describe what it looks like, what it sounds like, how...
Writing prompt: Living in Space: Do you think people will ever live in space? If not, why not? If so, where will they...
Writing prompt: My Favorite Time of Year (essay topic): What is your favorite time of year? Why do you like it so much...
Writing prompt: My Best Birthday (essay topic): Write about the best birthday you ever had. What made it so special?
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