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English Swedish |
Engelsk Svensk |
table bord |
tadpole grodyngel |
tag etikett |
tail stjärt, svans |
Once upon a time... tale berättelse, historia |
talk tala |
tall lång |
tanker tanker |
tar tjära |
target måltravla |
tart paj |
taste smak |
taxi taxi |
tea te |
teapot tekanna |
teach undervisa, lära andra |
teacher lärarinna |
team lag, team |
teapot tekanna |
teddy bear teddybjörn |
telephone telefon |
telescope teleskop |
television television |
ten tio |
tent tält |
test prov |
thank you tack |
them dem |
thermometer termometer |
they de |
thin smal, tunn |
think tänka |
13 thirteen tretton |
30 thirty tretti, trettio |
1000 thousand tusen |
thread trådrulle |
3 three tre |
throw kasta, vräka |
thumb tumme |
Thursday torsdag |
tickle kittla |
tie slips |
tiger tiger |
time tid, tiden |
tire däck |
toadstool giftsvamp |
toaster brödrost |
today i dag |
toddler litet barn |
toe tå |
toilet toalett |
tomato tomat |
tongue tunga |
tongue twister tungvrickare |
tools verktyg |
tooth tand |
toothbrush tandborste |
toothpaste tandkräm |
tornado tornado |
touch beröra |
towel handduk |
town stad |
tow truck bärgningsbil |
toy leksak |
tractor traktor |
traffic light trafikljus |
train tåg |
trash can soptunna |
tree träd |
triangle triangel |
triplets trillingar |
trousers byxor |
trout forell |
truck långtradare |
trunk snabel |
trunk koffert |
trunk bagageutrymme |
trunk trädstam |
trumpet trumpet |
Tuesday tisdag |
tulip tulpan |
turkey kalkon |
turtle sköldpadda |
12 ****** ****** twelve tolv |
twenty tjugo, tjugu |
twins tvillingar |
two tu, tvenne, två |
Little Explorers English-Swedish Picture Dictionary |
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