Art & Preschool
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Alphabet: I Can Color Printables: Color pictures of words that start with each letter of the alphabet.
Circles Tracing/Cutting Templates. Use a pencil to trace the stars or cut them out with a scissors.
Squares Tracing/Cutting Templates. Use a pencil to trace the stars or cut them out with a scissors.
Circles #2 Tracing/Cutting Templates. Use a pencil to trace the stars or cut them out with a scissors.
Leaf Color Book: Red. Print out a leaf Color book.
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Leaf Color Book: Yellow. Print out a leaf Color book.
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Colors in Spanish: A Book to Print - Blue, Azul.
Holidays and Seasons: I Can Color Printables: Color pictures of words that start with each letter of the alphabet.
This is a short, printable book about the color pink for early readers.
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