Primates & 3rd Grade
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Chimpanzees are primates, advanced mammals from Africa which are in danger of going extinct.
Write Mammals by Category: Printable Worksheet. Write mammals by category. The categories include: Cats, Dogs/Wolves...
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Gorillas are primates, advanced mammals from Africa which are in danger of going extinct.
Science Pages and Activities - dinosaurs, whales, sharks, birds, astronomy, rainforests, biomes, butterflies, and other topics.
Second-Third Grade Introduction to Research on the Internet - Human Body Quiz
The Human Body Look It Up Quiz: Second-Third Grade Introduction to Research on the Internet
Spanish Language Activities: Animals -
Second-Third Grade Introduction to Research on the Internet - Human Anatomy Quiz
Tooth Anatomy Printout. Humans have two sets of teeth, the baby teeth (also called the primary teeth) and the permanent...
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