Writing & Worksheets & 6th Grade
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Writing Worksheets for Christmas.
In this printable worksheet, write Autumn alliterations. Finish the ten Fall alliterations and write five alliterations.
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Brainstorming Worksheets to Print: For each letter of the following word, find words and phrases that are related to or...
Writing Metaphors Worksheet:: For each adjective, write a metaphor.
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Writing Fractions and Reducing Them to Lowest Terms Worksheet Printout #3- Write the fraction of each figure that is dark...
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Writing Plant-Related Anagrams Worksheet: For each word, write a plant-related anagram for it.
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Writing Country Anagrams Worksheet: For each word, an anagram for it that is a country name.
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Inverted Triangle - Use this worksheet to examine the structure of a newspaper article.'
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Write Parts of Speech: Printable Worksheet. Write 10 words that belong to each part of speech in English. Parts of speech...
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In this worksheet, the student is given a series of short answers using country names to make questions for.
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