Writing & 6th Grade
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If I...: Writing prompts: Essays and Other Writing Activities for Early Writers.
Writing Worksheets for Christmas.
In this printable worksheet, write Autumn alliterations. Finish the ten Fall alliterations and write five alliterations.
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Writing prompt: Autobiography (essay topic): Write the story of your life.
Writing prompt: A Dream (essay topic): Describe a dream that you've had. How did the dream make you feel?
Writing prompt: My Favorite Movie (essay topic): What is your favorite movie? Describe the characters, the story, and...
Write Biome-Related Definitions - For each biome-related word, the student writes what part of speech the word is, writes...
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Writing Checks #3: On this printable worksheet, the student writes a check to a company for a given amount and then...
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Writing Metaphors Worksheet:: For each adjective, write a metaphor.
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Writing Numbers 41 to 80 Printout.
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