Spelling & Worksheets & 6th Grade
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Draw and Write
Label Me!
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Sequencing Cards
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Word Puzzles
Circle the correct spelling of container words, and then color the picture of the words.
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Anagram Worksheets: EnchantedLearning.com. An anagram is a word or phrase that is made by rearranging the letters of...
Writing Plant-Related Anagrams Worksheet: For each word, write a plant-related anagram for it.
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Writing Country Anagrams Worksheet: For each word, an anagram for it that is a country name.
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See if you can think of and write down a pair of homonyms for each letter of the alphabet.
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Write a story about the picture showing a flock of birds flying in a vee-shaped formation.
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Think of and write eight words related to the US Constitution.
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Good - A Word for Each Letter: Write substitutions for the word
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A US State-Find a Related Word for Each Letter: Write a word or phrase for each letter of the alphabet that is related to a...
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Vocabulary Wheel - This 2-page print-out makes a Vocabulary Wheel; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that...
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