Learn about the basic characteristics of insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. (Answers)
An early fossil hunter from England. (Answers)
Learn the basics about the anatomy and life cycle of these social insects. (Answers)
Learn about ant colonies. (Answers)
Learn the basics about these social insects. (Answers)
Learn the basics about these beautiful flying insects. (Answers)
A scientist who revolutionized agriculture in the southern USA. (Answers)
Learn about this great British naturalist who developed the theory of evolution and natural selection. (Answers)
Fill in the blanks in the passage about food chains. Wordbank: arrows, energy, sea, sun, herbivores, consumers, photosynthesis, bears, detrivores, top, grass, carnivores, lost, omnivores, meal, snakes. (Answers)
Learn about the life cycle of these amphibians. (Answers)
Marine mammals that include the orca, blue whale, humpback whale, the bottlenose dolphin, and others. (Answers)